Quick Look: Xubuntu Beta 2 - Comments
Monday 1st May 2006
Categories: Reviews, GNU/Linux, FLOSS
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All comments not written by free-bees.co.uk are owned by the author, and free-bees.co.uk is in no way responsible for their content.
2. Submitted by W. Anderson, Tuesday 2nd May 2006
Re; story above. It really was very simple and quick to re-configure stadard XFCE setup to (appear like) that which is more famiiar to XFCE users, and all WITHOUT any "expertise" or "years of experience" with that desktop.
You also did not mention the greater snappiness of
X-unbuntu as compared to Ununtu ot Kubuntu. This is quite noticable, more and suitable for those with less hardware resources - e.g. RAM, XXGHZ CPU, etc.
3. Submitted by Mike, free-bees.co.uk, Tuesday 2nd May 2006
In response to #2:
I spoke about Xubuntu being a lightweight distribution, although this probably wasn't particularly prominent. Personally I've always found Ubuntu to be quite fast, so it is difficult to judge the 'snappiness' of Ubuntu against Xubuntu. Besides, this is only a brief look, and we can't really judge speed until the final versions.
4. Submitted by Anonymous, Wednesday 3rd May 2006
I tried it, but it is hard to move away from Ubuntu 6.06 Beta2 for me, espeically since all the icons and stuff look really good in gnome version and with Xubuntu majority of all the icons are still the old one.
5. Submitted by Vincent, Sunday 14th May 2006
You're saying that what Xfce normally looks like is different from what Xubuntu looks like, but this it not true - Xubuntu Dapper Drake uses Xfce 4.3 (which is the 4.4 beta), so it hasn't been officially released yet. The new version of Xfce uses these two panels, just as Gnome. The Xfce you're referring to is Xfce 4.2, which only allows for one panel and one taskbar.
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1. Submitted by Anonymous, Tuesday 2nd May 2006