"A bus station is where a bus stops. A train station is where a train stops. On my desk I have a workstation..."

SUSE 10.0 - Comments

Sunday 18th December 2005

Categories: Reviews, GNU/Linux, FLOSS

All comments not written by free-bees.co.uk are owned by the author, and free-bees.co.uk is in no way responsible for their content.

1. Submitted by JC, Monday 19th December 2005


I am surprised that Mandriva 2006 was not mentioned once as it happens to be one of the friendliest distro out there...even friendlier than the Ubuntu distro.

Take a look at http://www.mandrake.tips.4.free.fr/review2006.html and you will be pleased to find useful information (tips & tricks) on how to install, configure (play all media types e.g. CDs, DVDs, video files, etc.). Though the web site ends with �fr�, it�s all in English!!!



2. Submitted by Mike, free-bees.co.uk, Monday 19th December 2005

In response to #1:

The reason I didn't mention Mandriva 2006 was because I have yet to use it - the last version I used was still called Mandrake! I thought it was best, and fairer, to stick to the distributions that I've tried.

3. Submitted by Anonymous, Tuesday 20th December 2005

In your article, you mention that Debian and Ubuntu have apt. One was left to believe that Suse did not have this. Actually, Suse 10.0 ships with apt and yum.

4. Submitted by Mike,free-bees.co.uk, Tuesday 20th December 2005

In response to #3:

Although you can use Apt, the 'average user' probably wouldn't try using apt - they would just use the default instead. I still feel that the package management abilities of Ubuntu are superior, but SUSE isn't too far behind!

5. Submitted by J. Sloan, Tuesday 20th December 2005

Just an aside, suse 10.0 also includes apt, which I've been using to keep my systems up to date.